Spironolactone Acne - 4 Benefits of Spironolactone For Acne

When you have hormonal acne breakouts, one of the best treatments you can have at your disposal is spironolactone acne treatment. However, the benefits of using spironolactone for acne goes far beyond just treating acne. In fact, there are several benefits to this amazing drug. Here are 4 of the biggest benefits.

Spironolactone Acne - 4 Benefits of Spironolactone For Acne
Spironolactone Acne - 4 Benefits of Spironolactone For Acne

A Life Altering Drug
1. Studies have found that taking spironolactome can actually reduce the risk of Alzheimer's Disease. In addition, it can lower the risk of developing dementia as well.

2. If you have high blood pressure, then you may want to think about a spironolactone acne treatment. The reason is that while spironolactone for acne is common, it is also used as a high blood pressure treatment.

3. For women, spironolactane is a god send. Not only does it cure acne that is often caused by hormones and oral contraceptives, it can also get rid of unwanted facial hair on the face of women.

4. Here is a big advantage and it is related to spironolactone acne treatments. Spironolactone for acne can cure up to 66 percent of the women who suffer from acne, and 88 percent when it is combined with other oral antibiotics.

Currently, spironolactone is only available by prescription from your doctor. However, if you want to get it in combination with something else, then you can buy it as an ingredient in other acne medications. Just look for spironolactone on the box of the acne medication and you will know you are getting a quality acne fighting product.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2767768

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