Examples Of Alternative Medicine - Five Ways To Use Alternative Medicine

There are many aspects of staying healthy.  Eating right, exercising, and being treated for illnesses quickly are all things that can help you to have a healthy body.  But there may be times that conventional medicine doesn't work, or you'd prefer to not put artificial things into your body.  When this is the case, you may choose to use alternative medicine. 
Alternative Medicine
Examples Of Alternative Medicine
Alternative medicine uses entirely natural products that have been proven to treat certain illnesses or ailments.  If you suffer from any of the following five problems, consider using alternative medicine as a way to either treat your
 problem or supplement your regular treatment with a little extra help.

First, use alternative medicines if you suffer from symptoms of allergies.  Allergies can be a huge nuisance and are caused when you have a negative reaction to substances that are typically harmless.  Some examples of these substances are pollen, animal dander, or dust.  You may suffer from more severe allergies at certain times of the year.  Symptoms of allergies include a runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, and difficulty breathing.  If you suffer from any of these conditions to the point of seeking treatment, consider using alternative medicines.  Using certain Chinese herbs, these medicines can quickly clear up mucus, strengthen the lungs and ease itchy eyes.

Second, alternative medicines can be used for digestive issues such as an upset stomach.  If your body has a hard time digesting certain foods, you may benefit from herbs such as corn mint or pearl barley.  These Chinese herbs have been used for centuries to cure stomach ailments and aid in digestion.  If you have stomach pains from acid reflux, constipation, intestinal gas, or bloating, these herbs may work to help alleviate your symptoms.  Chinese herbs used to aid in digestion have also been proven to improve kidney health, heart health, and the respiratory system at the same time they are helping with your digestive issues.  Using alternative medicine for digestion problems works to improve your overall health.

Pain Relief
Third, natural herbs can also be used to aid in the relief of pain from any number of sources.  Some examples are headaches, toothaches, and any other type of minor ache you may feel from the common cold and flu.  Because pain is the body's way of letting you know that something isn't right, pain medications may often mask a problem and stop you from seeking treatment for a serious problem.  Herbal pain remedies are a safe and reliable way to deal with everyday pain from any of the above problems.  Natural alternatives to regular pharmaceutical pain medications range from Chinese pain patches to cooling balms. 
Foot Care
Fourth, ancient Chinese practices use the art of reflexology to improve health and well being through the feet.  Reflexology involves massaging parts of the feet in order to cure or ease ailments throughout the body.  It is believed that certain pressure points for pain in the body are located on the feet; therefore massaging the feet can ease pain throughout your body.  It is also believed that energy can be produced by massaging the feet that then is dispersed throughout the entire nervous system through branches of the spinal cord.  Alternative medicines for your feet are available in the forms of antifungal lotions, ointments and creams that can promote a relaxed body and soul.

Immune System
Fifth, use alternative medicines to promote a healthy immune system.  Your immune system works to keep your body safe and free of harmful substances that can cause serious illness or even death.  When your immune system is compromised, you are more likely to become ill.  Promoting a healthy immune system works to keep your body healthy and free of bacteria and viruses.  Along with naturally boosting the immune system with certain Chinese herbs, alternative medicine supplements can also help you sleep, keep up a healthy appetite and keep you mentally and physically alert.  All of these things work together to ensure that your immune system is strong and able to fight off illness and disease.

Increase Your Chances Of Being Healthy
Whether you choose to use alternative medicine as an actual treatment or a supplement to a regular pharmaceutical medicine, these treatments and herbs can help you to create stronger overall health.  Some herbs may target certain areas of the body while still strengthening your entire physical and mental health system.  Even if you are wary of alternative medicine and prefer traditional treatments, these herbscan be used as a way to supplement your regular treatment and boost your entire body's health.


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