Fitness : Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass – Enjoy Working Out

Workout Routine To Build Muscle
Workout Routine To Build Muscle

There are some workout routines to build muscle mass that are considered to be better or rather preferred by a lot of bodybuilders. These workout routines to build muscle mass has some incredible value to them and should be applied if you want your workout to be an adventure.

The workout routines to build muscle mass we will talk about in this article are exercises that are not that talked about, but every bodybuilder will tell you their importance. 
Workout Routines to Build Muscle Mass – This Journey is Full of Adventures

The following exercises will be a mixture of compound movements and isolation exercises that can make a huge difference.

- Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass 1 – T-Bar Row:The t-bar row targets your whole back area and your biceps. It is a great muscle builder and can be found in most gyms. If your gym does not have the t-bar row, you should take a 
barbell and place weight on one of the sides. Now it can be performed the same way.

- Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass 2 – Bent-Arm Dumbbell Pullover:This is awesome for your chest area and your shoulders. A good advice with this exercise is to pull your shoulder blade as close to each other as possible.

- Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass 3 – Cable Cross Over:You obviously need a cable machine with this exercise and the great thing about it is that it targets your chest area, as well as shoulder and triceps from a different angle.

- Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass 4 – Decline Barbell Press:I don't know why this is not used by so many, but this is a great exercise for your chest, especially your below chest area or your chest line as it is also called. 

- Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass 5 – Seated Lateral Raise:This workout routines to build muscle mass targets your shoulders, as well as your traps. It can be performed with dumbbells and cables.

- Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass 6 – Dumbbell Shrug:This exercise should definitely be in your routine, once or twice a week. Remember to stand straight during the process and push your chest forwards and let your shoulders go as up as possible.

- Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass 7 – Kneeling Triceps Extension with Cables:It is good to place your knees on a mat while doing this exercise. It is a great isolation exercise for your triceps.

- Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass 8 – Concentration Curls:This exercise is great for biceps isolation. You need to sit down, but it is also possible to stand up.

Workout Routines to Build Muscle Mass – Leg Workouts for the Win

- Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass 9 – Leg Curls:This can either be performed lying or sitting on the leg curls machine. It is a great isolation exercise for your hamstrings.

 Workout Routine To Build Muscle Mass 10 – Calf Raises:You can sit on a bench or the likes and use a dumbbell or a weight plate on your thighs.

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