Tips Aloe Vera plant care

Tips Aloe Vera plant care
One of the most popular medicinal plants, aloe vera is now widely cultivated both therapeutic and ornamental purposes. Here are some tips to take care of these plants.

Aloe vera plants are native to Africa and grow well in arid climates. With a little care, you can grow in your garden. Although it is preferable as an outdoor plant, aloe vera is good for indoor gardening also provided enough light to grow together. Although these adults inside can not flourish, some outdoor plants can produce white, yellow or orange during summers.

How to Care for Aloe Vera Plants

As mentioned above, it is not difficult to grow aloe vera at home, if you know the right methods. Although this plant does not require diligent care, some basic requirements that must be met if one wants to grow healthy. Aloe vera plants can be purchased at local nurseries or garden stores. Be sure to get healthy without marks, spots or stains. People with falling leaves should also be avoided. Older plants can be identified with the roots of overcrowding that can sometimes grow out of the pot. Also avoid these plants. Once you choose a healthy aloe vera, the next step is to plant in a container. Some of the key factors that influence the healthy growth of these plants are sunlight, water and soil type.

Aloe vera plants need bright light of growth, but a blazing sun can sometimes damage the leaves. Orange brown spots or dark spots may appear on the leaves, indicating sunburn. These spots can be laminated and, in some cases, the entire sheet may turn orange. Therefore, it is best to keep the plant in a shady spot with indirect light. If you want as a houseplant, so make sure you get enough light. You can keep it near a window or east-west. If the pot is placed in a window, then try to avoid direct sunlight. During winters, keep the plant indoors and make sure you have enough light.

Soils and Fertilizers
The soil for planting aloe vera should be well drained. A mixture of soil, sand, pumice and perlite is suggested. Today, commercial potting mixes are also available. You can go for "prepackaged mixture and succulent" cactus because it has good drainage. Diluted plant food can be used (once a year) in the spring. For indoor plants, seaweed organic fertilizer or vermicompost will be beneficial.

Aloe vera has fleshy leaves, allowing the plant to store water. Therefore, the water needs of this plant is very small and over-watering can cause decomposition. Water the plant only when the soil is dry. You can water once or twice a month and rarely in winter. Also in this plant grow pot with drainage holes, and these holes help drain the excess water.

A healthy aloe vera plant grows very quickly and produce many offspring. If the plant has exceeded the pot and the pot is full of roots, then you can start transplanting. Do not let the new shoots to grow beyond 3-4 inches, as these buds suck energy from the mother plant. This affects the health of the mother plant growth horizontal leaf develops. Therefore, when you remove the seeds are 3 to 4 cm long and replant. It is advantageous to use clay pots as they are porous and allow water drainage. Best to go to larger pots instead of deeper, because the roots of this plant does not grow deep.

Aloe vera plants water when replanting and avoid watering during the next three weeks. It is normal for these new plants to change its color to gray or brown, in the early stages of replanting. If the leaves are more flat, try to provide a bright light. If the rate of plant growth is very slow, then change the soil and stop using fertilizers. Aloe vera plants can not withstand frost or snow. Therefore, inside during these conditions.

Aloe Vera problems
While it is easy to grow aloe vera plants, adverse conditions can cause different problems. The most common of them is the discoloration and / or leaf drop. In such cases, suspect poor drainage, access to light problems, or exposure to cold. Although these plants need less water, the total lack of hydration can make thin and curly leaves. Aloe vera slow growth may indicate an excess of water or overeating. Even the lack of light and a very alkaline soil can retard the growth of this plant.

If you want to harvest the leaves, look for those that are closer to the ground. However, make sure to use the clear gel inside the leaves, as the yellow sap under the green skin is toxic. It is said that the yellow sap of the aloe vera leaves can cause contact dermatitis in some people. Therefore, carefully remove the green and yellow latex skin, before using the gel inside. Ingestion of this yellow juice can cause abdominal cramps, diarrhea and red urine. This plant (ingestion), it is also toxic to pets such as cats and dogs.

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