Eco-healthy - Green Initiatives mean Companies need New Solutions

Environmental issues are at the forefront of business concerns for many decision makers in the West. From government bodies to business leaders, there are many individuals and organisations calling for greener ways to do business and searching for ways to preserve the planet's future.

A trickle-down effect has ensured that it is not only large businesses that are preoccupied with environmental concerns, instead green issues have become important to a number of businesses – irrelevant of size. This concern for the implementation of green practises also has a sound financial backing, as increasing numbers of customers want to be presented with evidence that their providers adhere to green guidelines. 
What's more, the old concerns many businesses held regarding changing business models
Green Initiatives
Green Initiatives
to increase their green credentials are largely eliminated, as they no longer present the same problems. In the past, many businesses felt that they were forced to choose between running their company in the most cost effective way and running it in a way that best served the environment. These days' new technologies ensure that companies no longer have to compromise. 

Increasingly, business leaders and providers are coming to the realisation that it is possible to choose socially responsible business models that are also financial beneficial. There are a number of factors that have contributed to this state of affairs. For example, simple green IT initiatives, such as ensuring computers are switched off and not left on standby overnight, are just a small-scale example of ways that green ideals can save on fuel costs. 

Performance management strategies can not only show businesses the ways in which they are going wrong, they can also provide them with solutions, therefore, suggesting initiatives that can be implemented to improve green practices without impacting the cost effectiveness of the business model. In fact, perhaps conversely to popular opinion, strategies such as these aim to improve business performance overall, creating a solution that is both financially, and socially, beneficial. 

Performance Management applications enable companies to improve overall business performance by developing effective strategies, aligning resources and actions with plans and strategies, and proactively monitoring business processes and results. These solutions have been shaped through the experience and input of customers, the expertise of industry associates and analysts, and the requirements of regulatory bodies to promote optimum efficiency, both financial and environmental. Performance Management solutions can help companies link corporate strategy to operational plans and generate actionable business insights that are used to increase user productivity and improve overall business performance. They support cross-departmental, integrated views of operational and financial drivers and results, and streamline company-wide collaboration. Such detailed planning and monitoring assist businesses in reducing system waste and promote greater control of their overall carbon footprint.

Performance Management solutions enable you to: Monitor business-specific KPIs, such an environmental factors and carbon emissions, in real time to support effective decision-making throughout business processes. 

Create and compare multiple "what if" scenarios, test assumptions, assess the impact of events, and model the business to meet targets and high-level Green objectives. 

Align strategies with resources and actions that can be easily measured and monitored, and share the information pervasively across the organisation to promote maximum resource conservation and efficient energy use. 

Plan and model business outcomes using key drivers, including environmental factors, and view results from multiple perspectives (e.g., organisation, product, market, distribution channels, and time) to support effective decision-making. 

Leverage prebuilt analytic applications to retrieve and present actionable information for specific industries and business functions. Such analysis is essential to verify optimum carbon footprint reduction and maintain efficient use of resources. Analytic applications also allow organisations to quickly identify areas of concern and drill down into those areas, discovering the reasons why performance is not optimal. The company then can take corrective action and re-adjust plans. 

Determine what the financial impact of a given Green initiative will be. While the organisation has an ethical obligation to do what is best for the environment, it also has a financial obligation to the stakeholders. These strategies help enterprising organisations bring together these ethical and financial obligations. 

With Performance Management solutions, you are able to better monitor, measure, and manage your business. In addition, these strategies help people at all levels of your organisation streamline processes, generate actionable business insights, and make knowledgeable decisions that help improve company-wide performance. 

However, new technologies have ensured that greening your business can have numerous other benefits and that such initiatives can be implemented with an eye to creating a better business model for productivity as well as green concerns. From utilising analytics packages to identifying key areas where improvement is needed to the implementation of comprehensive performance management software to ensure that both business and green concerns are running to maximum efficiency, there are many ways that software can help companies cut their waste.

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