Hair Loss - What Causes Teen Hair Loss?

Many changes occur to our bodies as we grow. Puberty is the time when the most significant changes to our bodies occur. The reason for these changes is the release of sexual hormones that make the body prepare for reproduction a move from childhood to adulthood. In both sexes, the levels of hormones reach a peak at puberty. Our bodies all react differently during
Teen Hair Loss
Teen Hair Loss
this stage of life. Some will show signs such as hair loss. Teen hair loss may be temporary and normal hair growth will continue as the body gets used to the hormonal secretions. In some cases, particularly with the male teens, if the condition is not corrected it may signal the beginning of male pattern baldness.

There are many changes that can occur in the body that have an effect on hair loss. There are teen diseases such as acne. Acne is a skin disease that is caused by the body's reaction to hormones that are released during puberty. Acne in some cases gets so concentrated in areas that have hair and can trigger hair loss in such areas. Acne is a condition that affects both sexes. The occurrence of acne is genetically predisposed, that means some teens will be affected by the disease while others may not.

In male teens, puberty is the time when the hormone testosterone reaches a surge. This surge in testosterone brings about many changes some of which include the development of a deeper voice, broad shoulders and bigger muscles. However, in some teens, depending on their genetics, this can signal the time when the rate of hair loss increases. This is so for testosterone is linked to causing male pattern baldness which may even start at puberty, depending on the person's genetics.

There are also other factors that can cause teen hair loss. Some teens tend to lose their hair as a result of some products they begin to take which affect their hormonal balances. Such products include things such as birth control pills and other contraceptives that are taken orally.
Some teens begin to take drugs such as depressants and alcohol. These drugs also do play a role in triggering hair loss. Sedatives and alcohol when taken in excess can cause malfunctioning of the blood circulatory system. When the blood circulatory system is compromised, the body is unable to efficiently supply all parts of the body with oxygen and nutrients. This has the effect of triggering things such as hair loss.

In teens, bad eating disorders coupled with increased hormonal secretions also results in hair loss. Some teens develop the habit of liking foods that are high in carbohydrates and fats when they are at the stage of puberty. This is so for at this stage their energy demands also reach a peak. However, such foods are also not good as they can promote deposition of fats in arteries which clogs blood pathways. This will reduce the efficiency of the circulatory system, cutting down blood supply to the scalp, resulting in hair loss. Article Source:


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